It is a viewer to support the color-blindness
Can not be distinguished, or the distinction difficult to color, you can display by mapping the colors that can be recognized
For example, when the color of the red system are not recognized, and helps red, purple, yellow, recognition by mapping the middle color between green blue
In addition, the color recognition because there are individual differences, its getting to be able to customize the way of mapping
[G-B]In the case for recognition of red is difficult, green - light blue - I will show the color of the blue system
[B-R]In the case for green recognition it is difficult, blue - purple - I will show the color of the red system
[R-G]In the case for recognition of the blue it is difficult, red - yellow - I will show the color of the green system
[full]And full-screen treatment
[copy]Up and down to display the same image, and then processed only on the image
[split]It will process only the upper half
[edit]It will go to the mapping customization screen